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Projeto Caatinga

The Projeto Caatinga is a cooperation between UFERSA, FGD and Petrobras, to develop technology and information about plants from the Caatinga biome. Started in February 2017, this initiative seeks to create references to guide the implementation and monitoring of projects of Recovery of Degraded Areas (RDA) damaged by the oil extraction activities; and other positive points:

Technical aspects

The understanding the potential use of each species in RDA programs in many aspects, such as best period for seed harvest, locating mother trees, seed storing, germination and dormancy overcoming, response to fertilization and environmental stresses, making possible to model a protocol for each species, and define parameters to set up contracts for RDA.

Elaborate technical publications with such information, easing works with RDA in the Caatinga, and also the knowledge about the biology of Caatinga’s woody species.

Economic aspects

Decreasing costs and improving results of RDA activities in areas exploited by oil extraction.

Social aspects

Developing an environmental awareness for preservation and recovery of the Caatinga; facilitation of projects linked to the recovery of degraded areas, by providing technical knowledge about many steps of the recovery process, from the seedling production to the monitoring of seedling establishment; academic and scientific contribution to undergraduate students (scholarship holders and volunteers) working on the Projeto Caatinga.


Access information, researches, images and all the work produced by our team:




9 de dezembro de 2018. Visualizações: 991. Última modificação: 09/05/2019 17:50:51